
Canadian Women's Chamber of Commerce

The Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CanWCC) is not just another networking group. It is an advocacy network of strong women-identified founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Here’s what we do:

  1. Community:  We’re building a network of women on the ground who are growing successful businesses.
  2. Connection: We ask our community to contribute their voice and experience to build a new strategy for women in business.
  3. Impact: We take this strategy as an advocacy agenda to policymakers and demand that they address systemic challenges to create lasting change.

CanWCC is a nationally incorporated not-for-profit membership organization that advocates on behalf of women-identified and non-binary founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners.


For more information on membership and to sign up, visit https://canwcc.ca/membership

Website canwcc.ca
Facebook canwcc
Twitter can_wcc
Instagram can_wcc
Linkedin canadian-womens-chamber-of-commerce

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Fabio Arciniegas Lopez (Monday, 30 March 2020 15:53)

    Mi compañia trabaja con un 90% de mujeres Artesanas que se dedican a la elaboracion de productos en fibra natural, puede haber clientes para ellas